"Paths forward"
The year 2020 might be the most impactful time in most of our lives. Growing movements are underway in big cities and small towns alike. A rise in social justice. But for some people who can't participate, or for those who want more of a boost like for encouragement to run for a political office, then a justice walk alone might be short-lived.
Monumental things in life require time, attention to detail, and a good plan. So if you want to do something more productive and more meaningful than just going to a justice walk, here are five more things you could do for social justice.
Where: Macon County (courthouse) Board (or your county board). For what: Ask board members to erase the labels on us like traffic tickets and courthouse records just like those items erase our lives. Just like those items erase our children from our lives. Just they erase our time, our efforts, and our money while going through all the growing number of combines at the county courthouse. Even on Floyd George's paper, and in his case, authors are known to abuse their power. They call it "pencil whipping." But without erasing the labels on us, abusers freely victimizing their own victims. #freeus #cleanthebookofjustice We can even go to justice meetings until either our freedom wins or their pens run out of ink. When: The 2nd Tuesdays of each month, 6:00 pm Where: Macon County Office Building (5th floor) 141 S Main, Room 514 Decatur, IL 62523 #justicemeetings #honorgeorge #honorsubjects #eraseauthors So the county board can do several things, including propose and vote on a new Resolution like not paying the electric bills at the courthouse. They could throw away the computers, shred the circuit clerk files after a certain period of time, board up the filing room, or tear down the building. We shouldn't care. Just free us from permanent and unretractable pencil whippings. Because it's ink that's heavier than concrete shoes.
So it can help to go to county board meetings. By not going, it constantly reminds us that powerful people are watching and helping "riders" wrap up their hands tight, while no one cares what happens once the decisions are released out into public. At least, not until the same situation comes around again and their all getting ready for another round.
Not going to justice meetings leaves only those of us who were situationally vulnerable out of the loop and then subject to the pounding abuses once the law, or policy is released. But by going to justice meetings, representatives can unwind our birthrights. They can unwind our freedom, loosen our load, give us safety, equality, and let us breathe. "Disorder the ink fountains for a change." #downwithink
Tighten the policies so that they cry "I can't breathe." 2. JUSTICE DESIGNING
People can also help by participating in the freedom-centric CLU forum sharing their ideas for "DESIGNING COMMUNITY." Discovering what you have to offer and bring to the table will help us all across these bridges of life. Share your big idea or issue for a next-generation community at https://www.cleanlawunion.com/designers
Just like or share pictures, events, and other information like the Justice Walk and Justice Meetings. It's easy and effortless today to check-in at a county board meeting, message another about an event, or to have your call to action.
The most valuable things we have are our time and our talents. Giving back to someone in need by doing good works in honor of people like George Floyd. Or in honor of your own loved one who can no longer give back. Give other people a brighter future while remembering love.
We can all remember the past so that it never happens again, and so that our children's future can be safe and secure. We can literally give our children the freedom we never had. And show them in a way that they'll never forget what we've done for them while helping protect them from abuses of power.
People today are dying for clarity. That's especially true during this pivotal time. A time when we're all looking for and hoping for monumental change, Even if it's only a change of heart. A change from hardened hearts.
Finally, we can all remember the love. We can demonstrate to our loved ones how to stand up for themselves effectively. So if they ever run into such obstacles such as anger or hostility towards them, then that love will be reciprocated. At that moment, when the walls come crashing in, they'll remember how you did it. They'll remember the steps you took to make the world better for them. They'll be reminded of what Jesus said about no one having greater love than those of us who lay down our lives for our friends.
When we remember true love, our children and grandchildren and God almighty himself will all agree, it's the one bridge that will carry us through any uncomfortable valley.